What is Voice over IP and why should you invest in it? - Communications Plus Get All Offers

What is Voice over IP and why should you invest in it?

ISDN lines (the lines that many phone and internet connections rely on for voice and data connections) are due to be switched off in the UK in 2025 according to BT.

ISDN – or Integrated Services Digital Network to give it its long winded title – has essentially been the system calls and data transfers have been used for since 1986 when it was switched on by BT as a replacement for the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)

While it’s been upgraded slightly since 1986 it’s remained relatively static and has definitely failed to keep pace with the new technology and requirements we now have with the internet and cloud and digital solutions.

Voice of Internet Protocol (or VoIP or Voice over IP) is one of the options that will replace the ISDN network and become the standard for business voice and data transfers in the future.

VoIP is a highly powerful tool that can centralise a business entire communication platform (voice, video, data, messaging etc) into one platform, making the whole system more effective and efficient, as well as cheaper.

But when it comes to business and the reasons you should invest, what exactly is VoIP and how can it help your business?

That’s what we’re going to talk about in this guide.

What is VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol?)

Essentially Voice over IP (which is sometimes also called IP telephony) moves your phone and data away from analogue lines and wiring, onto the internet.

Calls are converted into digital signals and then transferred over the internet to the recipient.

Because VoIP converts analogue comms into digital, it means you can carry out any kind of communication (from voice, to email, to video) over a single network rather than relying on different systems.

How does VoIP work?

VoIP is essentially a phone service that works over the internet, rather than a series of copper wires.

It converts your previously analogue signal into a digital signal so you can communicate over the internet, but it also means you can communicate via any device that’s connected to the internet.

That includes making phone calls from mobile devices like a laptop or smartphone, as well as VoIP devices.

Why is VoIP better than ISDN?

Voice over IP technology is better than traditional phone services because it adds much more variety and efficiency to the type of communications you can carry out over a single network.

This is because (due to VoIP working over the internet) you can send much more data over the network (rather than the smaller amounts you’re limited to over analogue phone systems).

It allows you to send any kind of message, whether it’s voice, typed, email, fax or even video using your internet connection to any other compatible device.

You can switch between the different types of communication depending on the needs of the caller.

For example if someone calls you on the phone but it makes sense to switch to a video call (for example if you need to walk them through an issue or explain something) you can just switch between the two, rather than hanging up and starting a separate video call.

VoIP is also much more reliable and faster than traditional phone communication because it runs over the internet and can package more data into a communication.

You also don’t specifically need to upgrade your equipment because VoIP essentially allows you to turn any internet connected device into a digital phone.

Want to see the benefits of using VoIP in your business?

At Communications Plus we’re a supplier of reliable, cost effective VoIP phone systems that can upgrade and future proof your business’ communication network.

Whether you’re looking to improve customer service, optimise remote working or simply future proof and prepare your business for the ISDN switch off, out VoIP solutions can be just the answer you’re looking for.

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