Celebrating Environment Day with Sustainable Successes Get All Offers

Celebrating Environment Day with Sustainable Successes

Embracing Sustainability at Communications Plus

At Communications Plus, we take our sustainability and environmental responsibilities seriously. As part of our commitment to reducing our energy consumption, we have made significant strides in adopting green technologies. To illustrate, over 80 solar panels have been installed on our buildings, which not only harness sustainable energy but also decrease our carbon footprint.

Additionally, we’ve integrated smart lighting systems and the latest energy-efficient technologies across our facilities. Furthermore, to encourage eco-friendly transportation, we’ve introduced electric vehicle (EV) charging points available to both customers and employees.

Advancing Towards a Greener Tomorrow

Our dedication to sustainability extends beyond energy conservation. For instance, all waste generated at our offices is diligently collected for recycling, reflecting our commitment to minimise our ecological impact. Moreover, we have successfully transitioned to paper-free accounting, drastically cutting down on paper use. In a bold move towards reducing paper waste, we have transitioned to paper-free accounting systems. Moreover, we have significantly increased the use of video conferencing to cut down on travel, introduced flexible home working options, and implemented a cycle-to-work scheme. These initiatives not only contribute to a reduction in our carbon emissions but also promote a healthier, more balanced lifestyle for our staff.

Driving Change with Electric Vehicles

As part of our strategy to embrace cleaner energy, we have transitioned several company vehicles to electric models. This change not only reduces our dependence on fossil fuels but also aligns with our broader environmental goals. By transitioning to electric vehicles, we are paving the way for a more sustainable future, demonstrating our leadership in corporate environmental responsibility.

Our Contribution

At Communications Plus, we believe that every step towards sustainability leads to a healthier planet. We are committed to continuing our green practices hoping to inspire other businesses to join us in this vital cause. Our journey towards sustainability and community engagement continues to evolve, as we remain committed to enhancing the well-being of both the environment and the communities we serve. Through these efforts, Communications Plus we lead by example in the telecommunications industry and set a standard for corporate responsibility.

Call – 03701 020204 or get in touch at www.communicationsplus.co.uk

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