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What makes us different?

As the Best Business Network, O2 business gives you the coverage, reliability, and security your business demands.

That’s why we regularly win awards such as Best Network for Coverage in 2018 and 2019 (uSwitch).

Our dedicated business service team and expert Digital Advisors give you the advice and support your business needs – including driving employee engagement with Priority perks and experiences and O2 Open employee discounts at no extra cost to your business.

And, we help your business thrive with tools and solutions you can tailor to your needs, including digital apps like Microsoft Office365 and O2 Conferencing and Security.


Best Network Performance, the UK's Best Network for Coverage, CAS(T) certification, £2 million a day in investment, and over 34 million connections across the UK? It's not why O2 for business, it's why not?


Unrivalled service in a network. O2 does just that, with UK-based Digital Advisors and a business support centre to provide immediate solutions. Plus, you and your team are entitled to Priority perks, and we'll support your corporate social responsibility objectives with O2 Recycle.


O2 Business helps you thrive with tools and solutions you can tailor. With a range of scalable business apps, flexible share tariffs, and the power to work remotely without a dip in connection or security.
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We support a greener future

We can help you on your net zero journey

O2 Recycle

We’ll recycle your old phones and gadgets and give you cash back to reinvest in your business.

Our free online net zero hub

Provides insights, tools and support to help you build a greener future. We helped our business customers save 1.4 million tonnes of carbon through our products and services in 2020 (including flexible working, IOT solutions and cloud-based services)

And we’re leading by example

We’re the first mobile operator to commit to becoming a net zero business in our operations by 2025.

We’re powering our network with renewable energy, wherever we control the bill.

Because we reward our customers

There’s a reason why 75% of our business customers stay with us for more than five years. 84% of customers asked recommend us.


You and your team can access a range of exclusive discounts, freebies and experiences, including tickets to thousands of gigs and events 48 hours before general sale.

O2 Open

An extra perk of your job. If your employer is an O2 Business customer, you could get up to 25% off your personal O2 Refresh Airtime Plan.

Employee perks with O2 Open

We support our community

We have a dedicated customer service team to support the most vulnerable groups in society.

We’re donating free data plans to help Big Issue vendors become cashless, reconnect with family and access essential online services.

We’re rehoming over 8 million GB of free data with people in need through the National Databank with the Good Things Foundation

Virgin Media O2’s Together Fund provided 400 small charities with grants of £1000 in 2021

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